Who am I? I am a human being living on a planet called Earth. I am 5’2, blonde; blue eyed, tan, and outgoing. I was born deaf. I am in love with the best man on the earth. I have a awesome half tabby half cougar kitty. My world is Perfect!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
New Works! Enjoy!
Do Not read The Deaf Girl in the closet if you are looking for a happy ending or a happy story.. do not read this story if you are sqeamish. Enjoy my two new stories.
Please do not copy my stories- Plagarism is against the law, and enjoy reading it. :)
The Deaf Girl in the Closet
On a top of a hill just behind a mountain sits a Victorian house. This house is simple. It is sensibly and tasted furnished. First and second stories is weathered boarded, belts wainscoted and shingled and roof slanted. The foundation is made out of bricks. There are blinds on the outside windows. Three coat of blue and white paint cover the house. The round tower produces a very handsome effect, very proportional to the house. There is sitting porch out front of the house. Green grasses surround the house. Around back of the house there is a sun room leading to the outside porch, there is a bright blue pool shaped like a lagoon. Oak trees’ shades giving the lagoon pool the oasis effect. Up on the second story in the back bedroom lays a girl, dirty blonde curly hair, baby blue eyes, and pale pink lips. She is wearing a satin white dress with a ribbon on the back.
She lay on her bed, resting, not thinking, and not feeling. Looking at her blue walls filled with photos of Jesus Christ being sacrificed on the cross. Suddenly the glare of vehicle lights shined in her room. Her eyes blinded by the glare, she sat up quickly and crossed the room to the window.
It was her father's car. He was home.
"He'll be in the house soon!" she moaned.
Her eyes widened with terror as she quickly scanned the room, finally deciding the closet would be the safest place to hide. She lunged for the door, almost fell inside and quickly closed it behind her. She moved her clothes around until she maneuvered herself into the farthest corner. With her back to the corner, she slid down and squatted on the floor, watching under the closed door, watching for any movement of her father.
She began to pretend she was at Disneyland, on the Dumbo Ride. Flying along dreaming she was free. She wished she had her wand and her crown, so she could disappear to Neverland and help Peter Pan find his shadow. She can see herself eating the food with the lost boys, at the table, as Tinker-Bell helped her. She is so sure that her name is Wendy, not Carol. Her parents didn’t know her destiny was to be named Wendy, after all her parents was just stupid and didn’t know better. She wanted to marry Peter Pan, and she is so sure that she is the real Wendy. Her eyes squinted, knowing that Tinker~Bell is in the closet with her. Inhaling the smell of clean clothes recently washed, scented like the ocean. Signing the song “I believe in Magic” by John Sebastian, she swore to herself that Tinker~Bell’s and Peter Pan do know sign language and it was possible that she could hear again in never-land. She sat in the little house built by Peter Pan and the lost boys. She looked over to Tinker~Bell’s home, a recess in the stone wall no bigger than a bird cage that Tink could keep separate by drawing a curtain. She gasped as the shadow flew over her head. “Oh no,” she signed, and grabs a needle and a silver thimble. She put it on the bed. She and Tink grabbed the shadow, and put a shoe and a chair on the shadow. “Where are you Peter?” she signed, and sent Tink to find Peter.
It was quiet in the closet. The silence scared her. Feeling over-whelmed by the silence, she begins to wish she had her orange cat named Nemo. Instead, she grabs over -washed teddy bear, an eye missing, an arm barely attached to the body, stuffing out of the stomach, and holds it tightly and puts her thumb in her mouth. She knew the teddy bear belonged to Michael, and she knew he wouldn’t mind her borrowing the bear. She could feel it creeping up the stairs towards her room, searching for her.
Then, she can see her father going up the steps.. The sounds of footsteps on the stairs….slowly…closer and closer. Her father's tread! She remembered his step, only he could make that fifth stair creak so. Remembering, before the firework accident, before her hearing disappeared, she remembered how her father came up the stairs to her room. Gasping, thinking her father may be in the room. She huddled deeper into the corner.
Pretending to hear her father, she can feel vibrations on the wall. Seeing movements under the door, she shudders. She begins the Hail Mary prayer, holding the black rosary in her hand, while the other hand clenches the worn out teddy bear. Her eyes closed, pretending she’s with the lost boys in never land. She gasped as Peter sat in front of her, and gave her the needle and the thimble. She smiled, and sewed on the shadow on for Peter. She sneezed because Tink began to shudder, sending fairy dust everywhere in the house. She gasped as Peter and Tink quickly flew up to the safety of the tree while reality brought her back to the closet.
She almost can literally hear him speak outside the door. Instead, she begins to cry silently, clenching the rosary. She knew exactly what he would say.
"Carol!" he called. "Where's Daddy's little girl?"
She covered her ears and closed her eyes, thinking she was not his little girl. She was 16 and almost a woman. And why is he calling himself Daddy? She never called him Daddy. It was an evil name, another name for the Devil! The only daddy she answered to was Jesus Christ. I do not have a Mother or Father. My mother is Mary, my father the Jesus Christ. Her body goes in convulsion, as the door shakes, and the floor rattles, she signs the Hail Mary prayer, repeating the line “pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death,” signing “amen amen” as the door rattled even more violently. Gasping in the dark, she thinks she heard her father speak..
"Carol!" he knocked on the door. "I've got something special for you baby!"
Carol sunk lower onto her feet, trembling now, sweating terror, and a sweet/sour stench that filled the small closet. She could hear her bedroom door open. She knew he was just outside the door. Her heart pounding she bit her lip trying not to cry out.
Then, a soft knock at the closet door. "Baby, are you in there?" her father asked.
Feeling trapped, caught by his evil, her bladder loosened and she peed all over her legs and onto the floor. Sitting in the dank puddle, she whimpered softly, willing him to give up and go away. She kept signing “Amen” “Amen” clenching the rosary.
She heard her father, “Carol, I know you can hear me, you are not deaf, I repeat you are not deaf, please open the closet door, or I will have to open it.”
Slowly, the door opened and he turned on the light. She kept her eyes closed. She felt his hand touch hers, then take her wrist and gently pull her to him. She gasped as Peter and Tink flew out of the closet and sat on her bookshelf.
"What are you doing in here?" he asked.
Thinking, my ears do not work, so she focused on his lips and the pained expression on his face. She continued signing, Hail Mary “pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.”
She did not reply. Keeping her eyes averted as he led her out of the closet, she imagined herself in another place - Never land; yes - the tree houses made out of wood, deeply high in the tree, pretty much at the treetop and all those lost boys laughing!
She gasped, as her father’s lips moved, she read
"Baby, what on earth did you do? You're all wet!" Her father lifted her skirt to see the wetness on her legs, her socks and shoes. "Go get washed up." His voice, less gentle now, more like the violent harshness she had expected, he let her go. She ran into her bathroom.
Quickly, she used a black washcloth to wipe away most of the urine. She was disgusted that her parents bought things that the devil liked, things in black and red. She preferred white, after all white meant virginity and her father the Christ, liked her virginity. She removed her shoes and socks and returned to her bedroom. Her head hung like a whipped animal waiting for another swat on the nose.
Startled, she sees Captain Hook waiting in the room. His lips moved his expressions blank and serious. She shuddered as she put the red towel on the bed covered with white sheets. Completely nude, He watched as she put on a white lacey thong, a satin lacey bra, light white skirt and a white tank top, with silver cross accenting her perky breasts. She smiled as Peter challenged Hook. Swords flying everywhere, as tick tock echoed the bedroom. She walks over to the window; she looks in the pool, and is surprised to see the crocodile swimming. She turns around, shocked to see her father in the room. She clenches her rosary. Her mind goes, where is Captain Hook and Peter? I hope Peter is not hurt. Her eyes look around the room looking for Tink.
"Come with me." her father commanded, as he led her from the room. With her hand firmly grasped in his, he led her downstairs into the living room. They were alone. The living room was painted red, and held a navy blue striped couch. There was a fireplace, filled with old newspaper. On the mantle were baby pictures of her, his favorites. He loved her when she was a baby; she remembered how her birth mom tried to protect her from Jim. But she died, and Jim remarried to that devil. She loathed this room. She begins to convulse and silently repeated “pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death,” in her head.
She could smell the evil now. She waited for it to reach out and devour her.. Chew her up….vomit her bones into the fireplace.
Her father led her to the patio door and placed his hand in front of her face.
Thinking she can hear again, thanks to Tinker~bell’s fairy dust being sprinkled on her as she went down the stairs, she looks at her father..
"Want to see Daddy's surprise?" he asked.
NO! She screamed in silent horror! She wanted to go! fly…fly away…With Peter, Tink and the lost boys. And now he wasn't letting her see where she was going! She walked blindly forward, waiting for his evil touch.
"Open your eyes" he said.
Quickly, she opened her eyes and saw the flames! God, he was going to burn her alive, he was sending her to hell right here in her own back yard! He was the Devil!
Quickly seeing a flash of a painful memory, she remembers the sound of cracking and popping from fireworks. She remembers how her mother looked, so lovely, her face as perfect as a Barbie doll. She was wearing a red and white sun dress it didn’t matter that she is wearing the devil’s color. She was also wearing white, something her Jesus Christ liked. She was on the swing, watching the fireworks being lit by Jim. I was being selfish, was being wooed by Jim, helping him lit the fireworks. She remembers the scent of human flesh burning, the screams, and the sound of panic. She remembers how guilty she felt when she saw her mother laying nude on the bright green grass and on fire, Jim standing over her, laughing in her face, the fire lighting up Jim’s evil smile. I was standing naked, on the grass, when mother lay dead, my ears deafened by the cracking of fireworks. Remembering how afraid I felt at that moment, that’s when I met Tinker Bell. Tinker Bell flew and gave me fairy dust to forget this moment; yet, no amount of fairy dust can protect me from the devil. From what I remember, Jim was on top of me, stealing what was rightly Jesus Christ’s.
Screaming, she lashed out with her hands at the expanse of fire in her face.
NO! She screamed out loud. NO! Leave me alone! Don't kill me!
Hands grabbed her arms holding her firmly. She opened her eyes. A birthday cake lay on the patio bricks…loaded with white frosting and pink flowers and two lonely candles still lit. She looked up and saw her devil looking at her with shock. She stepped back and fell against her Jim. She began to shriek………. and signed “pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.”
She looks at the pool and began to scream. Captain Hook and Peter Pan were fighting on the green plank made out of hard plastic. Her heart fluttered as she saw her beloved Tink dying on the cement next to the fighting. She clapped very hard and screamed “I believe in Fairies!” trying to save Tink. She fell on the ground screaming as her eyes absorbed in Peter dying from Captain Hook’s sword and Tink drawing in her last breath.
Struggling, screaming! Her father pulled her into the house.
Convulsing, she was on the floor, shouting “pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.” Her eyes rolled back, her skirt opened, her legs opened, and her back arched on the floor, her hands clenched the black faded rosary.
She heard someone on the phone talking in a crying voice…"yes, right away. Thank you. I appreciate it; we just can't handle it anymore".
Carol went limp in her devil's arms.
"Baby" he sobbed.
Jim begins to rock Carol. Jim looks at his new wife, his heart hurting. He remembers Carol’s mother. A slender lady, in her 30’s, with long curly blonde hair down to the waist. Her eyes were so green, and she had skinny cheekbones with pale lips. He remembered how excited she was when she was pregnant with Carol. He felt guilty when her mother performed suicide in front of Carol and him. His and Carol’s back was turned because they were playing with sparklers. When their backs were turned, she threw gasoline on her nude body, and jumped in the fire pit. Her mother suffered from a mental disorder, and he felt guilty for being selfish and trying to raise carol like a normal person. His heart ached, as he looked at his daughter thinking he was a bad person. He never wanted to harm her or her mother, Wendy. He loved her so much; Wendy just drove herself over the edge. He should have paid attention to her strange behaviors before the pregnancy and after the pregnancy.
Looking at Carol, he holds her and cried as she screamed “pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.”
Carol signs, “My name is Wendy her hands shaped like a W and moves upward on the chest area indicating a name sign,” and slaps Jim in the groin area.
She sunk to the floor. Keening, pulling on her hair, Carol vanished into her schizophrenia.
I had to write a role reversal of the famous story called The girl with the red riding hood.. so i wrote a role reversal..
Mother looks outside of her trailer, and sees her daughter playing outside. She sighs as she put her black cordless phone back on the charger. Her daughter is growing up to fast, as she thought as she watched her daughter play hopscotch with other girls. Her daughter is unique, always demanding to wear jean skirt with red halter top and red headband on. She had green eyes, matching her firey red wavy hair with lips red as fragile rose. Walking to the computer, she checks her e-mail; she worries about the events about to unravel. She planned this for months, and she hopes it will all work out.
Tired of being on welfare for two years, she figured out how to get rich fast and simple and mess free. Putting out her camel cigarette, and put it in a sprite soda can primary used for discarding cigarettes. She can’t wait any longer, and she thinks about her mother. Her eyes reading the lines of the email, $25,000 if you want me to kill the lady, and sat back lighted a cigarette. $25,000, not bad for a hit man hires, and she will get the money back when she gets the settlement of the will. Stupid of her mother, to have all of those wolves on her property, she left at 16 when her mother won’t give up on the “saving” of the animals. Animals are just animals as she inhaled in the nicotine. She married the first man that’s willing to fuck 16 years old, and that’s how she has the girl. . Her mother disowned her when she found out she was pregnant with a child, and refused to give any financial support. But what a fucking hypocrite, she insists on seeing the girl, but at the same time she won’t help the girl out financially. Well this man cheated, took all of my savings and married the next virgin, this time, this virgin was 14 years old. The plan was the hit man releases all of the wolves out of the cages, and fire a gun in the air, and her mother will come outside unaware that the wolves is out, and being mauled by the wild wolves. Her mother was old, and she was careless. No one will not suspect anyone let the wolves out, her mother is 88 years old, and she has the right to “forgot” to lock the cages.
Startled at the door opening and the shouting “mom!” she stood up, and put the cigarette in the soda can. She turned around and saw her daughter standing with a basket. “ mom, I am going to walk over to grandma’s, I made her a sandwich and she is going to teach me how to bake cookies!” upset that she bothered her trance of thoughts, waved her off, and put on a red coat on her daughter, and sent her off. Not realizing her mistake a good hour later, she sat down in the chair praying that the wolves get the grandmother not the girl. She sat anxiously waiting for her daughter to come home, inhaling cigarette after cigarette.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Here is two videos. He is playing under the blanket on the floor at my parents. its funny :)
Monday, September 24, 2007
First Post!
dramatic as I jump up and down on the over fluffed couch as I finally fixed up my blog
the way I want it. After an hour of struggling to get the blog set up the way I like it, I am
finally glad I can post my blog on my beautiful new blogger! Let’s see, let me up date on which I am. I struggled to keep my introduction short because stupid 500 character limit. I couldn’t exactly explain who I am really. I am 21 years old. (duh).. ok I will keep my sarcastic remarks to myself (will try!) I am currently located in Hell, really, in Mesa, Arizona, at my parents. I bet your going, she lives with her parents! (gasp!) She has no life.. Well, you’re making accusation about me before I can even finish my sentence… I am living with my parents, because I love them and they are the best.. And I am broke.. I rather save up my money as much as I can while I go to Arizona state university to (gasp) get a degree, perhaps, a career? I am right now, in love with my soul mate.. Maybe I will post photos in the next blog.. Right now I am just enjoying writing this blog up.. I am ignoring the fact that it is midnight in Arizona. Hmm no, I do not have glass slipper on the stair at the most extravagant castle.. I wish, that would make this more interesting, if there is a glass slipper on the stair. However, I do have a prince that is completely in love with me. No, he doesn’t have a white horse with long silver mane. He does have a white toy hauler complete with red fire streaks. Ah, do I wish that I can fly? Oh yes I do! Oh I love peter pan~! He was one of my child hood heroes when I was growing up. I adored the fact he had a fairy friend named Tinker Bell. Now, I have seen plenty of fairies in my life time, but I know for a fact that their names were not definably Tinker Bell. What is your most memorable thing you did as a child? What is one thing that you wish you can do right now as a adult? Hmm, I can say the most memorable thing I did as a child was just reading tons of books during the summer, and having my mom drag me to the library every other day to get more books. One thing that I wish I can do as a adult is just to read all day, and not do anything.. I know that is not realistic. But instead I try to write as much as I can.. I am currently working on some stories, maybe in near time future I will post some of my works. No worries. J ok I am going to Log off, but I promise, the next blog will be longer and maybe have photos and a video. Have a great night!
This is my adorable kitty..

This is Mala a year ago and four months.. he was about 5 weeks old at that time the picture was taken.. cute cute cute!